Domande frequenti
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- A
proposito di Goteo - A
proposito dei progetti - Per
i promotori - Per
i co-finanziatori - A
proposito dei nodi locali
Per i co-finanziatori
Why should I invest in projects presented here?
How do I choose which project to support?
What do I receive in exchange for my help?
¿Cómo puedo contribuir a cofinanciar un proyecto?
What happens if a project does NOT reach the minimum financing?
Virtual Wallet
What if a project raises much more money than initially budgeted as optimum?
Can I contribute more than once to the same project? ¿And contribute to more than one project at a time?
How do I know if the project I have supported achieves its funding goals, or fails to do so?
Does the entire sum I pay go to the project promotor?
Which payment systems does Goteo use? Are they safe?
If I make a contribution, what information about me can the project leader have access to?
Which are the most common errors in credit card payments?
What is Matchfunding?
How else can I help a project?
How can I help with promoting a project?
How can I take part in the projects' creative process?
Is there any kind of protocol for possible deceits on behalf of the project leader?
Are my contributions to projects tax-deductible?
Certificados de donación
Can I donate in a different currency?