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"Animals in the Great War" - Free access to study material
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Gli animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War
The cultural association Se is glad to announce that the eBook "Animals in The Great War" has been released. Get your copy for free download at https://surianoservizieditoriali.com/gli-animali-nella-grande-guerra/
Thank you for having supported...
[Leer más](This post, previously published on the Cultural Association Se website, is part of the research carried out under the project Animals in the Great War)
Mousetrap comes home is the title we could give to the happy ending...
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Ci siamo presi qualche giorno per fare il punto … ed eccoci pronti a ripartire!
“Animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War”, come già indicato nel progetto che voi avete sostenuto, sarà pubblicato per metà dicembre.
La stesura...
Still few hours before this amazing crowdfunding campaign ends.
If "Animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War" will come true, it is because of your support: Thank You! Follow...
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We have just achieved our first round campaign goal!
To everybody, family, friends, colleagues, unknown backers "Thank you so much!" (Grazie di cuore!)
Now it is time to move towards 'the optimum'.
Keep on, please, supporting 'Animals...
[Leer más]And there they were ... "always by your side"!
[Leer más]Thank you all for your support!
We are working on sponsorships: find them is pretty uneasy - netherless, we persist!
We are also working on a new video to promote our crowdfunding campaign starring dogs at war. Stay tuned, we will update...
[Leer más]Il gatto "Tabby" era lì con molti altri come cacciatori di topi e mascotte.
Sostieni questo progetto! Molte le ricompense in attesa della tua donazione, ognuna delle quali sarà moltiplica per 2 grazie alla Fondazione...
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Molte grazie per il supporto che ci avete dato in questi primi giorni di campagna.
Stiamo lavorando per far conoscere “Gli animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War” al più ampio pubblico possibile, contattando influencers...
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