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Gli animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War

  • Aportando € 5

    "Animals in the Great War" - Free access to study material

    Book reviews

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 10

    "Animals in the Great War" - Teacher and Student tools

    Research tools with descriptions and commentary of sources

    > 03 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 20

    "Animals in the Great War" - Teacher Tools

    Guidelines to lessons plan

    > 04 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 60

    "Animals in the Great War" - Teacher Tools

    3 hours e-learning theoretical and practical seminar

    > 02 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 100

    "Animals in the Great War" - on-line launch conference

    The eBook launch conference with the participation of scholars and experts

    > 13 Cofinanciadores
  • Aportando € 200

    "Animals in the Great War" - Sponsorship

    If you are an organization committed to environmental protection and animal rights or a cultural foundation, and you think it's worth supporting this project, support it! Your donation will receive our public gratitude and your logo will be printed on the e-Book's fourth cover.

    > 00 Cofinanciadores

Gli Animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War - work in progress

07 | 05 | 2017
Gli Animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War - work in progress

Molte grazie per il supporto che ci avete dato in questi primi giorni di campagna.

Stiamo lavorando per far conoscere “Gli animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War” al più ampio pubblico possibile, contattando influencers e sponsors. Vi aggiorneremo sui risultati.

Continuate a seguirci e far conoscere il progetto!


Thank you very much for the support you have given us in these early days of the campaign.

We are working to make “Gli animali nella Grande Guerra/Animals in the Great War” known to the widest possible audience by contacting potential influencers and sponsors. We will keep you up to date with results.

Follow us and let this project spread!


A promotional video for a crowdfunding campaign (goteo.cc/animalsgreatwar) about a forthcoming eBook titled Animals in the Great War. Pictures showed in this video are from Europeana 1914-1918 (europeana1914-1918.eu/it), namely BNF, IWM and ÖNB.


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