Community Meeting Space Copsant

Immagine di intestazione
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Finanziato il 18 / 12 / 2022
£ 15,589
£ 13,535
£ 31,140
173 Co-finanziatori
Matchfunding Agents
match invests
Arrela't Alt Pirineu i Aran 2022
Invested: £ 0 of £ 3,415
  • Collaborando £ 21

    Thanks for your collaboration!

    👉 You’ll receive a virtual gratitude card.

    👉 Come to visit us! We’ll be pleased to welcome you with a cup of tea and share the pillars of our project. Ancs Valley surroundings are wonderful, we encourage you to discover it on your own.

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 43

    Join us the opening day!

    We are preparing the opening fest. A special day full of excitement and shindig to celebrate the new life project.

    👉 Live music, talks, poetry, performance, food, drinks and party.

    👉 This event will be shared with neighbours from the valley, people from the territory and project collaborators like YOU. Don’t miss it!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 64

    Altruistic donation!

    With this donation you support us economically without a reward!

    👉 Thanks for supporting Copsant

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 85

    Magic night under the stars + opening day invitation!

    👉 Enjoy a snack around a campfire as well as our best night activity, stargazing on winter nights. We’ll travel through the cosmos, from the closer objects to the less known and further ones. Constellations, mythology, planets and much more...

    👉 Also, you are invited to the opening day!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 128

    Take part on a self-building workshop and get a merchandising kit of 'Esperanceta de Casa Gassia' !

    👉 Take part in a self-building workshop with lunch included. We want to restore this hay loft full of hopes with YOURS and OUR hands. You can share your knowledge or just learn valuable construction skills.

    👉 Get a bag, an organic cotton t-shirt and a mask of 'Esperanceta de Casa Gassia'.

    👉 Also, you are invited to the opening day!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 171

    Take part in 2 workshops and enjoy a self-building day with us!

    👉 The restored hay loft will be a space where organize artistic, therapeutic, creative or environmental activities, workshops, and formations. Choose 2 workshops between all of them.

    👉 Additionally, Take part on a self-building workshop with lunch included.

    👉 Get a bag, an organic cotton t-shirt and a mask of 'Esperanceta de Casa Gassia'.

    👉 Also, you are invited to the opening day!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 341

    Sponsor an olive tree and get all the rewards!

    👉 At Cossant terrains we have abandoned olive tree. Help us recovering them with your support. The olive tree will be named as you, and you’ll be able to visit it at any time.

    👉 Be part of Copsant project during 5 years and enjoy its advantages.

    👉 Choose 2 workshops between all of them.

    👉 Additionally, Take part on a self-building workshop with lunch included.

    👉 Get a bag, an organic cotton t-shirt and a mask of 'Esperanceta de Casa Gassia'.

    👉 Also, you are invited to the opening day!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-finanziatori
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)
We are almost there. We need you, they already supported us!
Among all of us it's possible! Thank you for helping us achieve it with Goteo!
Tic-tac, key minute to support us through Goteo this week. We need you!
100% is nearly achieved! We are almost there, thank you!
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
Half way of our campaign in Goteo, find here other ways to help beyond donating.

Moltes gràcies per la vostra aportació!

Família !
65 gràcies! Una per cadascuna de vosaltres! 🍁

Anem per la tercera setmana de campanya i ja hem assolit un 60% del finançament per passar la primera ronda del matchfunding. **Tot això és gràcies a les vostres aportacions...

[Continua a leggere]
Half of the thermometer achieved, we now go for the rest of it!
It's been week now we launched our campaign. Here our reasons (click!).
Click here and learn what we will do if we succeed in our crowdfunding campaign.
Here we are! The team behind this campaign and project.
20% of our funding goal already achieved, this is moving on!
First few donations, thanks! :)