Contributing $ 213
I want to contribute 10
2 stickers + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
> 11 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
2 stickers + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
like the previous one + t-shirt - access to the Agora + workshop to get to know the CommonsCloud
2 stickers + t-shirt - access to the Agora + workshop to get to know the CommonsCloud + credits and thankyous
1 account with 1 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers
5 stickers + poster + we add you to the credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
1 account with 5 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers + 1 t-shirt
1 account with 5 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers + 1 t-shirt + 2 participant tickets for the BBQ party!
5 accounts of 1 GB + 10 stickers + 2 posters + participation in the CommonsCloud workshop for the 5 users + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
we meet a morning or afternoon and transfer everything necessary to replicate each and everyone of the services. Let's help to decentralise the cloud!
10 accounts of 1 GB + 3 t-shirts + 2 posters + participation in the CommonsCloud workshop for the 10 users + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
26 de febrer
17h | Sala Plató
Install Party i Restart Party (Restarters Barcelona + Comunitat d'usuaris d'Ubuntu en llengua catalana + CommonsCloud)
Vine i conncta't al CommonsCloud! L'objectiu d'aquest Install Party és apropar els diferents serveis de CommonsCloud a la ciutadania, amb la intenció que les persones assistents puguin conèixer de prop les oportunitats que aquesta plataforma de serveis no privativa, posa a la seva disposició. Els participants comptaran amb acompanyament dels membres de l'equip.
Per provar les plataformes, millor vindre amb ordinador :)
Programa del Mobile Social Congress, inscriu-te.
27 de febrer
17.30h | Seminari de Filosofia UB (Edifici Raval)
Taller de cocreació d'eines cloud lliures (Commons Cloud + Dimmons).
L'objectiu de la sessió és que les persones assistentes puguin tindre una breu introducció a diferents models de plataformes digitals. Per a partir d'aquí aprofundir en el model de CommonsCloud amb dinàmiques de cocreació que convidaran als participants a identificar les seves necessitats i possibilitats de coproduir solucions cooperativitzades.
Programa del Mobile Social Congress, Inscriu-te per la sessió.
Connecta't amb el núvol cooperativitzat! CommonsCloud, fes el salt!
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
I want to contribute 10
2 stickers + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
> 11 Co-financiers
I want to contribute 20 [PROMO EARLY BIRD]
like the previous one + t-shirt - access to the Agora + workshop to get to know the CommonsCloud
> 10 Co-financiers
I want to contribute 30
2 stickers + t-shirt - access to the Agora + workshop to get to know the CommonsCloud + credits and thankyous
> 11 Co-financiers
I want to be part of it 40
1 account with 1 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers
> 24 Co-financiers
We want it to happen 50
5 stickers + poster + we add you to the credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
> 04 Co-financiers
I want to be part of it 70
1 account with 5 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers + 1 t-shirt
> 25 Co-financiers
I want to be part of it 100
1 account with 5 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers + 1 t-shirt + 2 participant tickets for the BBQ party!
> 06 Co-financiers
We want to be part of it 150
5 accounts of 1 GB + 10 stickers + 2 posters + participation in the CommonsCloud workshop for the 5 users + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
> 06 Co-financiers
Replicate the CommonsCloud workshop
we meet a morning or afternoon and transfer everything necessary to replicate each and everyone of the services. Let's help to decentralise the cloud!
> 01 Co-financiers
We want to be part of it 300
10 accounts of 1 GB + 3 t-shirts + 2 posters + participation in the CommonsCloud workshop for the 10 users + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!
> 04 Co-financiers
We look for volunteers to translate the platform into Spanish and Catalan, and for some parts native English translaters will also be very welcome!
We are broadening our network of developers: we want to share and learn from you! There're lots of things that can be improved. Shall we meet at the p
Will you tell us what tools or features you would like to have?
Do you like the project, do you share the mission? Will you help us to promote the project? Tell us what channels and networks you have access to and