
Finanziato il 26 / 01 / 2014
Missione compiuta!
£ 8,541
£ 3,415
£ 5,122
117 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 9


    Una piccola quantità è molto importante per poter dimostrare alle persone che hanno già investito nel progetto un gran numero di ore e molto talento / conoscenze proprie che questo progetto è possible! Il tuo nome sará “stampato” sull’edificio ed ovviamente nei social network!

    > 12 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 17

    Socio BaM-Txema

    Potrai accedere alle attivitè dell’Associazione BaM (bioarchitettura mediterranea): Congresso Architettura e Salute, Pubblicazioni e Workshop con lo sconto riservato ai soci. Questo significa che con un contributo di 20€, sarai socio di BaM ed il tuo nome apparirà nella web e sull’edificio.

    > 14 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 21

    Manuale pratico per intonaci di fango, Prof. Gernot Minke

    L’ associazione BaM, tra le varie attività promuove anche la pubblicazione di testi pratici scritti da persone di riferimento nel campo della costruzione con materiali sani e naturali. In accordo con la casa editrice Icaria, e grazie alla generosità di un maestro come il Prof. Gernot Minke, abbiamo pubblicato questo piccolo ma utilissimo libro. Cosí, con un supporto di 25€, riceverai il manuale e sarai soci@ di BaM, a parte che il tuo nome apparirà nella web e sull’edificio.

    > 38 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 34

    Edizione speciale maglietta fibra ecologica Thinking MU

    Edizione limitata della maglietta di cotone organico disegnata per BioBui(L)t – Txema per la firma Thinking MU, che rinnova la sua collaborazione con l’associazione BaM e la sua scommessa su attività ed imprese compromesse con la società e l’ambiente. Così, con un supporto di 40€, riceverai una maglietta Thinking MU edizione speciale del progetto, sarai soci@ di BaM ed il tuo nome apparirà nella web e sull’edificio.

    > 23 Co-finanziatori
  • Collaborando £ 85

    Progetto BioBui(L)t - Txema

    Riceverai una copia digitale di tutta la documentazione del progetto: tavole tecniche, dettagli costruttivi, relazione di progetto, licenze e permessi. Tutta la documentazione sará disponibile per essere scaricata on-line o via mail. Se apporti 100€, potrai ottenere una copia digitale di tutta la documentazione del progetto + pubblicazione del Prof. Minke + iscrizione come socio BaM + nome sull’edificio e nella web.

    > 25 Co-finanziatori

Crowdfunding -EN

12 | 02 | 2015

Dear Co-financers,
One year ago on the 27th of January we closed the crowdfunding and reached 10.000€ support!!

With this energy we could buy the tools needed for the work and had the resources to pay for transport and materials that weren't available trough donations.
Thank to your support we could stand the financial gaps imposed by the funding of the architectural league that gave to the project 7500€ but only after "spending".

After one year and almost 59 working events, all documented in the youtube channel, we have reach an almost impossible goal: we have built a structure and a space of aprox 90 square meters , 50 of which are interior spaces! And we did it with self-building and open participation practice! more than 200 people participated in it!

We have showed that collaboration in freedom and connection between networks- community and individuals is a powerful learning tool.
We have experienced a great complexity and showed that complexity and flexibility are great tools to reach efficacy and efficiency, we have built a beautiful space with natural and compostable materials with a little help of each person and thanks to the convergence of great networks, community and companies for the Commons.  

The project has now a funding from the City of Barcelona and new board of the BaM association. A new phase of the project start!

And a new phase start too by closing the crowdfunding return that we have assumed one year ago!. We are very please to send to people that gave suport to the project with 100€ or more euros the link to the first documentation of results.

We are very pleased to send as a project return to co-financers of this option,  the thesis works of Ana Cazador Lopez and Julia Albes Valvidares of UPC Barcelona. Incredibly this works were submitted to University evaluation committee exactly one year after the ending of the Crowdfunding campaign! From 27.1.2014 to 27.1.2015 we have done a great work! Thanks to all!!

In the work of Júlia Albes you will find a follow up of all the process of building, drawing of each solution adopted and a recap of the design process as well as references to building materials used.

In the work of Ana Lopez you will find an overview of strowbale building construction and a special analysis of the Greb technique employed in the BioBui(L)t project with real data monitoring of the wall humidity conditions

A special thanks to Montserrat Bosch that believed in the BioBui(L)t project from the beginning and gave her support all the way through the process and made possible the great work of Ana & Julia.
And a special thanks to the BaM association that made possible this experience and European Leonardo StrawBale Partnership People that gave energy, insight and support to the project.

The documentation of the project  will go on now with the analysis of the collaboration process that we have lived in order to find patterns and set tools that can enable the replication of this  experience and document the incredible diversity and richness of contributions of people to this project . This analysis will be conducted by Valentina Maini during 2015 and results are expected by this summer. With the collaboration of  Montserrat Bosch and UPC-Gitidec we will go on on defining technical spec of the building techniques and materials employed.

For any question or suggestion on this documentation please don’t hesitate to contact at
For questions about the on-going activities & other crowdfunding returns please contact or Gemma Paone at 697 919 928

With gratitude to all of you and a special thought for Txema DeMiguel memory and the love that this project received from his family and friends.
Best regards to all,
Valentina Maini & BaM Asociación Bioarquitectura


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