Now, human rights!

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Gefinancierd op 20 / 12 / 2021
£ 64,762
£ 32,012
£ 64,024
1398 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 13

    Contribution - #AraDretsHumans

    A publication will be made on the website of Irídia thanking all the people who have collaborated to carry forward our Service of Attention and Denunciation in situation of Institutional Violence one more year. You will be able to be assisted in situations of institutional violence and you will guarantee the attention of other people.

    Making a donation is tax deductible! Making a donation of 15€ as an individual, the Tax office gives you back 12€. Therefore, your actual expenditure is €3. You will only have to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user account before January 15th 2022 to add the donation on your income statement (only useful if you make it in Spain). Check it here:

    *In the Basque Country and Navarre it works differently. If you have contributed in previous years the
    amount that will be deducted is higher.

    > 252 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 21

    Anual membership with illustrated back

    You will be a member of Irídia during 6 months. You will be able to be assisted in situations of institutional violence and you will guarantee the assistance of other people. You will also have Irídia's new illustrated cloth back.

    Making a donation is tax deductible! Making a donation of 25€ as an individual, the Tax office gives you back 20€. Therefore, your actual expenditure is €5. You will only have to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user account before January 15th 2022 to add the donation on your income statement (only useful if you make it in Spain). Check it here:

    *In the Basque Country and Navarre it works differently. If you have contributed in previous years the
    amount that will be deducted is higher.

    > 300 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 43

    Anual membership with illustrated t-shirt

    You will be a member of Irídia during 1 year. You will be able to be assisted in situations of institutional violence and you will guarantee the assistance of other people. You will also have Irídia's new illustrated t-shirt.

    Making a donation is tax deductible! Making a donation of 50€ as an individual, the Tax office gives you back 40€. Therefore, your actual expenditure is 10€. You will only have to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user account before January 15th 2022 to add the donation on your income statement (only useful if you make it in Spain). Check it here:

    *In the Basque Country and Navarre it works differently. If you have contributed in previous years the amount that will be deducted is higher.

    > 297 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 68

    Anual membership with illustrated back and t-shirt

    You will be a member of Irídia during 1 year. You will be able to be assisted in situations of institutional violence and you will guarantee the assistance of other people. You will also have Irídia's new illustrated t-shirt.

    Making a donation is tax deductible! Making a donation of 80€ as an individual, the Tax office gives you back 64€. Therefore, your actual expenditure is 16€. You will only have to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user account before January 15th 2022 to add the donation on your income statement (only useful if you make it in Spain). Check it here:

    *In the Basque Country and Navarre it works differently. If you have contributed in previous years the amount that will be deducted is higher.

    > 114 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 128

    Collective membership #AraDretsHumans

    You and your group will have collaborated to carry our Service of Attention and Denunciation in situation of Institutional Violence forward for another year. You can be assisted in situations of institutional violence and guarantee the care of others.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 137

    Anual membership with illustrated back, t-shirt and reports

    You will be a member of Irídia during 6 months. You will be able to be assisted in situations of institutional violence and you will guarantee the assistance of other people. You will also have IIrídia's new illustrated cloth back and t-shirt. Also, we will send you the reports on institutional violence that our Service of Attention and Denunciation in situation of Institutional Violence elaborates every year.

    Making a donation is tax deductible! Making a donation of 160€ as an individual, the Tax office gives you back 123,5€. Therefore, your actual expenditure is 36,5€. You will only have to obtain the donation certificate from your income statement (only useful if you make it in Spain). Check it here:

    *In the Basque Country and Navarre it works differently. If you have contributed in previous years the amount that will be deducted is higher.

    > 35 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 213

    Solidarity collective membership with training!

    You and your group will have collaborated to carry our Service of Attention and Denunciation in situation of Institutional Violence forward for another year. You can be assisted in situations of institutional violence and guarantee the care of others. In addition, we will offer you training in human, civil and political rights, focused on the topic you want to work on as a group.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Bijdragen £ 427

    Circle of donors

    At Irídia we need people involved with the scope of the organization who are committed to make annual donations that help us to carry out our work. You will become part of the circle of donors of Irídia that helps to guarantee the stability of the free service of assistance to victims of institutional violence. You will receive a monthly newsletter where we will explain the evolution of the service and the litigation and the whole organization. In addition, you will
    be able to take part in the informal meetings that are held.

    Making a donation is tax deductible! Making a donation of 500€ as an individual, the Tax office gives you back 242,50€. Therefore, your actual expenditure is 257,5€. You will only have to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user account before January 15th 2022 to add the donation on your income statement (only useful if you make it in Spain). Check it here:

    *In the Basque Country and Navarre it works differently. If you have contributed in previous years the amount that will be deducted is higher.

    > 09 Co-financiers

About this project

Guaranteeing a free care service for victims of police violence is only possible if we manage to have 2000 members.

Behoeften Taak Minimum Optimum
Responsable d'atenció telefònica i sistematització del servei d'atenció a víctimes de violència policial.
Una persona de Irídia es dedica a atendre el telèfon i les consultes que ens arriben via mail. Així mateix, s'encarrega de sistematitzar la informació que apareix en el nostre informe anual que fem arribar a les administracions públiques, a representants polítics així com a organismes internacionals.
£ 12,805
Advocada especialitzada en casos de violència policial en l'exercici del dret a la protesta amb bales de foam
En l'actualitat portem 4 casos greus d'impacte amb bala de foam. En dos d'ells, la persona afectada va perdre un ull i en un tercer una persona va sofrir traumatisme cranioencefàlic. En els propers mesos el Parlament de Catalunya abordarà el futur d'aquestes armes tan lesives.
£ 8,537
Advocada especialitzada en casos de violència policial al CIE
Quan les persones internades en el Centre d'Internament d'Estrangers de Barcelona ens traslladen una situació de violència policial són visitades per una advocada que exerceix l'acusació gratuïta en tots els casos, davant l'especial situació de vulneració de drets que es viu en el centro en un marc de racisme institucional.
£ 4,268
Suport psicosocial a persones que sofreixen violència policial
En Irídia el servei d'atenció que oferim és psicojurídic i en els casos que la situació el requereix realitzem atenció psicosocial individualitzada a la persona afectada o al seu entorn.
£ 6,402
Treball d'incidència per a prevenir i erradicar la violència policial
En Irídia combinem l'assistència psicojurídica a les persones que sofreixen violència institucional amb el litigi estratègic i el treball constant d'incidència per promoure reformes en les pràctiques o en la normativa.
£ 8,537
Interposició de querelles per tortures comeses durant el règim franquista
Estem treballant en la documentació i argumentació jurídica per a la interposició de querelles per casos de tortura comesos durant el franquisme. Hem de continuar treballant al costat de les entitats de memòria per a aconseguir que es jutgin aquests crims.
£ 8,537
Tècnica de comunicació
En Irídia prioritzem la comunicació com una herramiento de control davant l'ús de la força en el context de manifestacions, així com per a denunciar públicament situacions de violència policial. És una eina fonamental per a acabar amb la impunitat.
£ 8,537
Supervisió psicosocial i cura de l'equip
En Irídia hi ha una psicòloga que realitza la supervisió psicosocial de les professionals que realitzen l'acompanyament psicosocial que també s'encarrega de realitzar tallers psicosocials amb tot l'equip del servei per a gestionar els efectes de la intervenció en casos de violència.
£ 6,402
Totaal £ 32,012 £ 64,024

General information

We respond collectively to intolerance, discrimination and institutional violence. At Irídia we offer a service of attention and denunciation in situations of police violence. This service consists in assisting you if you suffer an assault or a discriminatory situation by a police officer, a prison officer or a member of a private security force. The service is free, that is why we need to reach 2,000 members to ensure that it remains sustainable and continues defending rights: we are currently 1,000 members and we cannot guarantee its sustainability in the long term.

Since January 2016 we have attended more than 650 people offering legal and psychosocial support. In addition, we have taken on legal representation in the most serious and/or representative cases. We are currently working in 58 cases free of charge, including 4 cases of foam bullet impact, 1 case of rubber bullet impact, 13 cases of the 1st October of 2017, 8 cases that have taken place in prisons, 6 in the CIE (Foreign Internment Center) of Barcelona, as well as 5 in public space.

The economic support of public administrations to our care service only represents 20% of the cost of the service. The service depends on more than 60% of our social base: members, partners and donors. That's why we encourage you to make this collective support tool against human rights violations sustainable.

Belangrijkste kenmerken

We have a general helpline, a specific one for the CIE and another one for prisons. When someone calls, we provide telephone and online counselling. In many cases we arrange a visit with a lawyer and a psychologist. In the prisons and the CIE our lawyers can only visit the facilities when a person specifically requests it. We advise all the people affected by police violence, and in those more serious or representative cases we assume the psychosocial accompaniment and legal representation during the whole procedure, which can last for years.

The service we provide is possible thanks to the people who support us: together we fill a gap that the administration does not cover. Victims of police violence do not have a safe place to go to denounce the situation they have experienced. Our objective is to change a reality that we do not like, we want to end impunity and change public policies to promote that the administrations are responsible for the situations of police violence they generate.

We want to contribute to raise the standards of protection and guarantee of human rights from our values: rigour, independence and transparency.

Currently, there are 136 police officers, prison officers or private security agents under investigation for cases of police violence. We have managed to identify the shot gunner who took an eye out of Roger Español on 1st October and he will be tried for a serious crime of injury. We also have managed to have condemned the agent who broke the finger of a journalist of La Directa while he was covering a protest. Besides, we have identified the two agents who fired foam bullets before a demonstrator lost her eye at a protest for the freedom of Pablo Hasel, which are now being investigated; among many other cases. You can access all the information in our annual report.

In addition, we have achieved, together with Amnesty International, the approval in the Parliament that the anti-avalanche agents should be identified in Catalonia from the front, from the back and from the helmet, as well as the creation of a study commission on the police model to improve the internal control and sanction mechanisms of Mossos d'Esquadra and to generate an independent mechanism.


Waarom is dit belangrijk

This project, once again, is aimed at people affected by police violence. Specifically, to anyone who has been assaulted by a police officer, a prison officer or any security force performing public order functions. In many cases the people affected are migrants and/or racialized (more than 40% of the cases we represent). By collaborating, you will be able to be attended in a situation of police violence and at the same time you will guarantee that other people will also receive this attention. There are many people who have no other way to access it, especially those who are in opaque spaces such as prison or CIE. Moreover, by contributing to the project and/or becoming a partner, you are contributing to the sustainability of a basic service in a context in which rights violations are increasing.

Currently, the service operates throughout the province of Barcelona and is coordinated with groups and organizations in other localities of Catalonia and Spain. We also carry out periodic and follow-up visits to places of deprivation of liberty, such as the CIE of Barcelona
or the prisons of Catalonia.


Team en ervaring

This month in Irídia we celebrate 6 years of life! During this time the organization and the team have been growing and consolidating.

We are now 17 employees working on the project, with the support of volunteers/activists and interns, divided into four areas:

● The legal area is formed by 7 lawyers and coordinated by Anaïs Franquesa, criminal lawyer expert in the defence of Human Rights and with a wide national and international experience.

● The psychosocial area is formed by 2 psychologists, supervised by Irene Santiago, a psychologist with 15 years of experience in psychosocial care from a human rights approach.

● The area of communication and political incidence is formed by three journalists and coordinated by Andrés G. Berrio, lawyer and communicator with more than 10 years of experience in incidence processes in the field.

● In addition, we have a technical area in charge of grants management, economy, team and project coordination, and dealing with our social base.

At Irídia we work with an intersectional feminist perspective and methodology, making decisions in a democratic way and placing our own and society cures at the centre.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.