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MiA Barcelona - Migració i Art

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Finished 23 / 02 / 2018
$ 106,277
$ 99,602
$ 122,913
60 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 106

    Friendly Reward

    Public thank you on website and in the project graphic materials, to you personally or to your collective/organization.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 424

    Handcrafted Reward

    Public thank you + Decorative patch for your clothes or bags, handmade by us using stamping techniques, different models and colors (anti-racist, art that transforms, conceptual). To be picked up in MiA Barcelona's art event.

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 742

    “Pa’lante” Reward

    Public thank you + Decorative patch + Rebel poster (printed in full color with the lyrics of the rap song) to hang on a wall, decorate, and to never forget to move forward! (“Pa’lante”). To be picked up in MiA Barcelona's art event.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,060

    Experience “Art that transforms”

    Public thank you + Artistic workshop for you and 1 friend, to choose among different disciplines (theater of the oppressed, dances, or rap workshop), to receive in our space during 2018.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,907

    Gluttonous Reward

    Dinner of surprises for you and 2 friends with the whole MiA Barcelona team and collaborators, with handmade typical food from our regions of origin and workshop "Design your own patch".

    > 04 Co-financiers

About this project

Solidaridad, migrante y pa'lante

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Informative material
We need to elaborate all kinds of informative material (books, leaflets, etc), related to changes in current regulations/legislations, available services and entities, activities in the city, as well as dictionaries, articles and audiovisual material.
$ 10,596
Sensitization and communication materials
As an outcome of our artistic expression workshops, we will generate performances, dance pieces, theatre plays or visual art pieces. We will then use these artistic outcomes to make visible this other migrant reality, which is different from the one we see in the media, because it is directly told and built by its protagonists, and directly shared with local people, in order to co-create it together. This is why we will need different materials, to work with and build on, as well as access to different spaces, and we need to print our own generated material (both informative and outreach material).
$ 16,954
Transportation costs
We need to cover transportation costs of our users in major need that need to go to certain organizations or services in the city, as well as of our volunteers that come on a regular schedule.
$ 8,477
Costs of the campaign
Costs of producing and distributing your rewards and commissions derived from the crowd funding campaign.
$ 14,834
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Supplies and internet connection
We need to have the appropriate equipment/facilities, so that people can feel comfortable in our space. For that, we will cover the costs of the provision of supplies and internet connection in our space, needed to facilitate job searches and solve inquiries in general.
$ 6,358
Improving the space
We are in love with our space, but… there is always room for improvement! With some help we could buy fans for the summer, stoves for the winter, a video projector and a closet for our materials.
$ 23,311
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Talks with experts
Depending on the nature of our users’ inquiries, we will organize talks with experts who can give practical advise and solve different doubts, collectively, in a close and comfortable environment, about issues related for example to health, residence permits, and documentation.
$ 21,192
Workshops and artistic processes
In order to provide emotional support, we need careful preparation and design of our artistic workshops. And we believe that this task deserves remuneration.
$ 21,192
Total $ 99,602 $ 122,913

General information

Let's accept it, although there is in Barcelona a considerable number of initiatives whose task is related to migration issues (many entities and services available), we, as migrants, have experienced several situations when these resources and services have not reached us. On the contrary, they have caused us confusion, feelings of coldness or contempt. This is why we feel we have an odd relationship with the institutions. Everything changes very fast and the road is difficult, both for us newcomers and for those of us who are already here.

We recognize the work done by those initiatives, but we want to give it a twist and be a collective space that adds to the task, comprehensively, humanely, from the body. Using art as a vehicle to go through these processes helps us collectivize these discomforts, build new discourses, listen with the whole body and give voice to silences, while we support, sustain and encourage ourselves.

The team was created to put into action the reality we want to achieve, namely that people who arrive here, as well as people who were born here, can be able to generate their own rules, recognize themselves differently and fight together for equality.

We work regularly as a referral to resources and services in the city, advising and accompanying migrants from the experiences of migrants; and together with local people, we design and conduct activities that pursue social change, reclaim rights and raise awareness. We seek to make visible other realities, to deconstruct in order to build again, from a transfeminist, decolonial and antiracist perspective.

We are not only an information point, we accompany people, in person and in full presence, throughout the whole process, depending on their individual needs. And if we need to go with them, we’ll just go!

We use movement, we use our bodies and we express ourselves in order to make these feelings emerge and collectivize them.
Another one of our distinctive values is that our initiative is really driven by migrant subjects. It is formed by migrants wanting to work for migrants, and we do this in conjunction with local people, throughout the whole process (design, management and conduction of activities and evaluation).

It is not an easy mission, but art motivates us! Why not use our time, strength, experience and knowledge to collectively make it happen?

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Our main goal is the participation of migrant people as recognized political subjects in full equality of rights, expression and action. In order to reach this goal, we want to:

  • Create a reference point from which to begin recognizing the territory and its available resources.
  • Use art to support the emotional needs of expression and containment that might arise throughout the process.
  • Become a collaborative and complementary channel of the services available in the territory.
  • Make visible the true migratory problem, from the direct experience of their protagonists.
  • Facilitate intergenerational and intercultural dialogue, from a joy for diversity.
  • Build active and continuous support networks with other groups and entities.

To achieve these objectives, we work from 2 axes of action:

  1. Practical and emotional support: individually as well as collectively (group activities, workshops and artistic processes, talks with experts and conversations about migrant experiences). In addition, we also provide a space for those who want to propose their activities or share their knowledge.
  2. Awareness raising: we organize open performances using the outcomes derived from the different workshops and artistic processes, in order to make our feelings and realities visible.

We know we are not alone, so we collaborate with other entities and projects in the city, adding to this collective task and contributing to it with our distinctive mark.

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Why this is important

“Estamos marcadas a hierro por la historia. Una historia de relaciones coloniales de poder acentuadas por un capitalismo que nos quiere homogéneas y que deambula en su línea imaginaria entre lo humano y lo no humano para justificar sus genocidios y saqueos. Se pensaban que traían burros de carga, pero llegamos personas”

Because the fight against this racism that squeezes and drowns us is urgent! And because we believe that for people to be free in relationships of solidarity, we must create spaces, relationships and community experiences that will allow us to get there.

If you think that it is time to say “enough!”; if you want to share your experiences, point of view or questions about the migration process; if you are a local person with a desire to learn, deconstruct yourself, drop your privileges and rethink your networks; if you are a project or entity that shares these perspective… welcome to MiA Barcelona!

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Team and experience

We are an heterogeneous team with migrant trajectories, linked to interculturality, art and social action. We share profesional trajectories working with excluded groups such as women, migrants or LGTBI people.

Most of us are trained in different fields within the social sciences, such as anthropology, psychology, sociology, gender studies and south-gobal epistemologies. Some of us develop artistic disciplines such as poetry, theater of the oppressed or music.

We meet every Friday afternoon, in weekly assemblies, where we share our points of view, learn from one another, take care of each other and decide on the next steps of the project, in a horizontal way, based on respect and mutual support.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.